Run simulation… Starts a simulation of the nodes in the active model window, and writes the results to a file. A “Save as” dialog box appears where you can specify the name of the result file. Note that only nodes with the “Sim.” attribute checked on will be stored on file. DynRisk will determine which parts of the model that need to be calculated in order to compute the simulation results for these nodes. To check the “Sim.” attribute for a node, choose “Simulation view” from the “Model” menu, and toggle this attribute on or off by clicking in the “Sim.” column in the table row of the node. The “Sim.” attribute is on if you see a “√” character in this field. If the “Background calculation” option is on, you may continue to work on other models while the simulation is performed. However, you cannot edit a model which is currently being simulated. The “Background calculation” option is set using the “Misc. options…” command in the “Preference” submenu of the “File” menu. If you are running a background simulation on the active model, the menu text will change to “Stop simulation”. By choosing this command you may stop the ongoing simulation. Note however, that if you run the simulation as a foreground process, the simulation is terminated just by clicking the mouse button. Test model You may use this command to check the model before starting a simulation. By default, the program includes the stochastic value in a test. By pressing the “Shift” key while selecting this command, the program uses “deterministic values” of the nodes. For a stochastic node this value is usually calculated as “Local factor” * “Mid”. However, if a node's distribution is “Binary”, the deterministic value is equal to the most likely value multiplied by the “Local factor”. When you test a model, you can display “Input”, “Local” and “Output” values of nodes, and “Input” and “Output” values of edges. Note that only nodes with the “Sim.” attribute checked on will be tested. DynRisk will determine which parts of the model that need to be calculated in order to compute the simulation results for these nodes. Quicktest Select a node or a group of nodes. Select “Quicktest” and a dialog box appears. If you click on “Random”, the program performs a calculation of the model including the stochastic properties. If you click on “Deterministic”, the program uses “deterministic values” of the nodes, as explained above.